We have an awesome dinner in Nieder Auroff at David and Krista's (cousin and his wife). We have some good german Bitburgers, german pilsners, and the first language lesson for this trip is cheers! in German: Prost, making sure the "r" in it clears a nice loogie from your throat, much like the ch in Chanukah. Prosting, which, like in all countries except for the US, is very proper and important to do before a drink and another must do is drinking out of a glass.
David and me plan to go on a mountain bike ride around the area of Idstein the next day. It's an awesome hilly area with old fashioned fachwerk houses that I didn't get see much of because 10 minutes into ride when get the short downhill I take a spill.
"shit." or maybe scheisse...i said one of those, got back on the bike and rode to the bottom to meet up with David. "I took spill, it was pretty lame but I think Im ok"...I look my body up and down and think im fine, really just a lot of tiny scratches and dirty, but then on my arm, right below my elbow is a huge dirty gash, for lack of a better word. I'll try to keep this PG and just tell you it was the size of half dollar, deep as two looked like a dirty bunched up carpet.