Friday, August 13, 2010

Tchüss splint!

   The splint is off! Now my arm is free to move, although I have lost most of my triceps muscle, and my elbow is still badly bruised. I'm lefty though so I should regain strength soon enough. That was quite a dreadful two weeks of paralyzed left arm. Actually, while I was in the Krankenhaus there was a point where I thought about if I'd only have one arm, what would I do?! Yea, sadly it got me down, as hospital stays probably tend to do but I decided instead of just thinking about it all sad and shit, I would write about it, so I started a list of things I'd do one first I was writing mediocre but true things like: 
   "I'd snowboard a lot, so I'd have to live in the snow. I could still play most music. It’d be difficult to play bass or guitar, or violin. I would only have my plucking hand to use..  I guess I could be one of the first to take up piano on the feet," and then I realized, shit if I had one arm, I'd actually have to be the most extreme one armed sav ever: 
   "I’d start a club of extreme one armed athletes. maybe I’d actually have a chance at the para olympics. (or maybe I’d be like cartman still.) In this club we would have secret hand (or maybe arm) shakes, that only onies (one armers) would know, and we would be the most extreme one-armed savages ever, especially in one arm disciplines, like shot put, discus, javelin, and arm wrestling. We could still party and drink beer...but we would only be able to play edward forty hand. But we would by default become the Masters of the thumbgun!"
   So now with both arms back, I'm quite relieved, but I have learned a few things, one being: As much as I can remember, always hug with two arms! none of that one armed bs. Afterwards, it seems all dramatic for just a little mountain bike crash, but it's hard not to fall into that sorta thinking when the second day your out of the country you go to the hospital, then have to stay two nights, then two days later get an infected abscess needing surgery... the thought of things getting worse is a hard thought to elude. Anywho, Tchüss kinda rhymes with moose but its always said in two syllables (like judy grimes saying "hi") and two octaves higher than your normal speaking level. And it means "bye" of course! Leave a comment if you have any more ideas for the league of extreme one armed savs...
Not too shabby. Couldn't shave for two weeks either, time to get on that.

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